Tia & Fern are currently in Northern Thailand on a property called "Panya", getting their Permaculture Design Certificate (mixed in with learning some natural building skills.) We are 5 days into the 15 day course and are already feeling extremely inspired! Permaculture ethics have always been an important part of establishing the running the Kumera Kitchen, so we are enjoying expanding our knowledge, and are very excited about bringing these skills back to the local community. Next door to us is the inspiration for Panya, a seed saving, amazing centre called Pun Pun (www.punpunthailand.org) where we get regular organic, fresh smoothies from. Mmm.
One of the first Kumera projects when we return is to assist the Uniting Church, Merewether (where we helped to establish the weekly kitchen) in setting up a Permaculture garden out the back. We love the idea of being able to pick fresh herbs, green etc to serve up at the weekly meal, as well as sharing skills while implementing & maintaining the garden, and having a space for people to come and make things grow, and other awesome things.
Check out the Kumera Kitchen facebook for a few photos- once we're back in a months time, we will give you a more thorough run down of the course plus many more pictures. Sarah from Kumera is also about to travel for a month- so we will see you kind of soon, refreshed and totally inspired.
Love Kumera x
P.S The chef here spoils us- beautiful thai meals, nearly all vego except for the odd bit of meal from local farms and rivers. YUM!